Search for cool Projects


juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Simple calculator build with React, Tailwind CSS and Vite.js


rupali-codes's github profile

LinksHub is an open source Hub of ready-to-use tech resources. It contains links to free resources such as images, fonts, color, animation, languages and many more.

News App

Pro-18's github profile

This is a basic clone of Inshort that makes use of the Api key.


pewpewnor's github profile

Forum-based and community-based social media website

Music Player

Ajay84sia's github profile

Musify is a music player website. It is the best mp3 player for music lovers!

Portfolio Templet

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It's a portfolio templet with functionality.

Countdown Timer

smty2018's github profile

Customisable Countdown Timer with real time updates

temperature converter

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the application for to convert the temperature from one unit to another unit.

Leads Tracker

mohitparmar1's github profile

its a tracker that track our important tabs

Personal Portfolio Website

Atharva-3000's github profile

You can use this template to create your own portfolio easily and showcase your projects.